Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Miranda Lambert

You've got to have some serious cojones to sing Miranda Lambert songs while her fiance, Blake Shelton, is sitting in his big turny-chair judging you. After all, he's got to have a pretty high opinion of the original.

Two contestants on "The Voice" risked their careers with this gutsy move on Tuesday night's episode. The first contestant, Cherie Oakley, sang "Gunpowder & Lead," Lambert's 2008 hit. While Blake didn't turn around, Christina Aguilera did.

"I'm sitting there listening to you sing my fiancees song," Blake said when she'd finished singing. "That's really cool. But by the same token, you're stepping into some big shoes for me because i know how she sings that, and I wanted you to beat her. I did! I wanted you to beat her and I didn't think you did."

Aguilera felt she had a catch, though, and Cee-Lo was impressed by "such a big voice coming out of a little bitty cute little thing."

The next contestant, Angela Wolff, sang a more recent Lambert song, "The House that Built Me," but she was noticeably pitchy in places. She threatened to unfollow Blake on Twitter, but he still wasn't impressed enough to choose her -- though he couldn't help but smile during her song. Unfortunately, she wasn't chosen.

Wolff no longer follows Shelton on Twitter. She does, however, follow Cee-Lo, Adam Levine, and yes -- Miranda Lambert.
Taken: Zap 2 It

Geronimo Leading Google Searches: Code Name For Osama Dead

As you know, Osama Bin Laden was captured and killed by U.S. Navy Seals. But did you know that "Geronimo" was the code name for this special operation?

That is the top search going on at Google right now. Searchers want to know why the operation was named Geronimo.

As you may know, Geronimo was well known Native American leader of the Chiricahua Apache who fought against Mexico and the United States for their expansion into Apache tribal lands for several decades during the Apache Wars. He lived between June 16, 1829 - February 17, 1909, dying at the age of 79. He actually died as a prisoner of the United States at Fort Sill, Oklahoma from pneumonia.

Some people find the code name offensive and insensitive. But when the Seals killed Osama, they sent a message back to their base, "Geronimo EKIA." It meant they killed Osama.

Anyway, people are searching for answers on the code name and the Osama news is still leading the charts on Google for top searches.